It’s a beautiful day.
The sun is shining.
I feel good.
And no one’s gonna stop me now.

Your body and the Prospect of a Joyful Journey

When I was younger, I had my eyes set on owning a nice house in Milimani Estate, L. Nakuru, pursuing a career that I had a passion for, maintaining financial stability , being engaged in the community, and possibly having a pet hermit crab. I had no intention of considering a romantic relationship at all. I’m not implying that ignoring relationships deserves a reward. All I’m doing is being truthful about my outlook and the true essence of my character. During my school years, I did not engage in any romantic relationships, and I only made sporadic attempts in form 4 and university.

Although my inexperience wasn’t a major issue, I was completely unprepared for the whole thing until I met someone who was interested in it. My lack of experience in relationships caused me to have multiple awkward moments where I expected more than I normally would, and sad moments where I accepted less than I usually would.

I had no idea what I wanted, and to be honest, I only went on my first date because I was surprised someone asked. Niliamini kuwa “Anipendaye nami nampenda, anikataaye, napunguwa simanzi.” When I reflect, there’s nothing I can think of that I didn’t like about her. I kept a diary full of random streams of consciousness in which I expressed my undying love for her, which I used during my high school years. We used our personal diary books to record our experiences from specific dates, including who we met, what we did, how we felt, and any significant moments. We also documented our preferences for food, music, and their lyrics. For me, none of it made it clear what I really loved, and why I loved it. I’ve come to the conclusion that I was grateful for someone to like me instead of in love. I suppose that’s alright, but there were some things that weren’t, and that’s the reason for all this.

My impression is that she didn’t really have a liking for me. I’m not implying that she disliked me when I said this. To clarify, she, like me, did not possess any specific traits that turned basic attraction into love. I have come to realize that being young, naive, and very inexperienced is highly appealing to a specific type of person, and I’m pretty sure she was that type of person. I know this isn’t a baseless accusation, as she told me. In fact, that’s one of the only things she could pinpoint when asked why she liked me, and naivety isn’t a rare trait for me.

It’s hard to imagine that she liked me, and the whole thing would have been the same with any young, naive, and inexperienced man she would have successfully met on a date. In my view, her attraction towards me was more motivated by the concept of painting her desires onto a blank canvas than anything else about me.

She knew that I was pretty clueless, she even asked me, quizzing me on how much I knew (fuck all, for those wondering) and giving me a long speech about her needs and wants, maintaining her hair and nails, wearing new fashion clothes whenever they arise, going on expensive dates like Kempinski. No, seriously, she was a reading shit of expensive list have ever encountered of very specific word, that I didn’t particularly enjoy.

Slightly off topic, she came up with this topic about libido, I don’t understand the insistence on describing a man’s wee wee size. Men have a variety of ways to please a woman. One might be big enough to please someone but only if you know what you’re doing. You could have a 10″ wee wee size and be a lousy lover. Sex isn’t a matter of size, it’s a matter of technique and skill. Patience and foreplay. Oral techniques and kissing have the power to make a significant impact. Vaginal penetration doesn’t usually lead to an orgasm for most women. Clitoral stimulation is necessary for most people to experience an orgasm. To be honest, the writing is subpar. Perhaps she simply provided me with erotica that was poorly written, which is even more insulting, really. ” RANGE ROVER Discovery na Boda Boda ufunguo hutoshana”.

The moment I was brave enough to do thorough research, it was already past the point of no return. It wasn’t until after the fact that I realized that it’s not common to be coerced into doing things you don’t want to do. I was not told that it’s not common to be pressured and rushed into things you don’t even understand, or may be afraid of. My friends’ worried looks during discussions about subjects and their own experiences helped me realize that half of the things that kept me awake at night and hating myself were unnecessary. I assumed it was a regular occurrence, since no one had informed me that I could refuse.

I still harbor feelings of hatred towards myself from time to time. Looking back on myself at that time, I’m so upset that I feel like I’m burning up. I just want things to change. My wish is for the boy I was to be unique and her circumstance to be unique

I’ve experienced this and I’m certain that many young people, both male and female, may experience it, and it begins because there are still places where the essential details of sexual relationships and about your body that are not being taught. While it may appear to be exclusively at bible belt and well-to-do boarding schools, schools around the globe are neglecting to give young people the complete facts. They grow up believing that they should never question things, no matter how much their situation affects them. .

I’m not sure why I’m writing this. Perhaps it’s just to let it out. I need to be allowed to think and breathe and find real freedom from the guilt, anger, and confusion that persists despite people in my life trying to ‘fix’ me and erase what I went through.

Because I heard it late, I would like to advise you not to feel pressured. Avoid letting others make decisions for you and force you to do things you don’t want to do. I know that’s easier said than done, and I’m not sure why you should listen to me(I don’t even listen to me half the time) , but if just one person does, that is one less person with the negative and fearful attitude I have to their own body and it’s many (hopefully happy) adventures.

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