It’s a beautiful day.
The sun is shining.
I feel good.
And no one’s gonna stop me now.

Nobody else is really Here

It’s clear that life isn’t a walk in the park. The feeling is like being trapped in a maze with no map and no end in sight. There are times when we feel like we’re only treading water, going through the motions without really living. We’re expected to play our part in this grand stage called society, drowning in a world that never bothered to ask us if I wanted any of it. It seems to have locked us in a room without a key and expected us to find a way out without any instructions or guidance. What if we were never interested in being actors in the first place? What if we’re just Spectos in a script we never agreed to? It’s like we’re shackled to a fate we didn’t choose, serving a sentence we never signed up for.

Life is often described as a journey, but for some of us, it may be more like a continuous shift at a job we never applied for. We punch in every morning, prepared to face the day, but deep down, we know we are just going through the motions. The feeling of being stuck in a loop is similar to being trapped in a cycle of monotony and unfulfilled dreams.

The world can be a harsh mistress, demanding payment for a debt we never agreed to. It’s like we were shackled to this existence, forced to play a role in a story we never wanted to be a part of. Society’s expectations weigh heavy on shoulders, such as social values, religion, morals, political values, economics, and aesthetics.

We sometimes long to disappear, fade into the background, unnoticed and uninvolved. To be free from the constant stress of meeting standards we never agreed to. But life doesn’t work that way, does it? It’s a relentless force and unforgiving, pushing us forward whether we like it or not.
In this world of deadlines and duties, we often find ourselves wishing for a moment of peace, a break from the chaos that surrounds us. We long for the chance to breathe, to be free from the weight of the world on our chest. Even though our legs are weary and our spirits are broken, we have to keep pace with time as it marches on.

I look around myself, seeing others moving effortlessly through life, as if they hold a secret map to navigate this labyrinth we call existence. Meanwhile, I’m stumbling in the dark, trying to find my way without a guiding light. It’s a lonely journey, filled with uncertainty and doubt.

It’s like we’re drowning in a sea of demands and obligations, struggling to keep our heads above water. We’re expected to be cogs in a machine that never stops turning, to play our part without question or hesitation. But what if we want more? What if we crave a life less ordinary, a path less traveled?

We frequently feel like a puzzle with uncompleted pieces in this world of contradictions and complexity, trying to fit into a picture that doesn’t entirely make sense. Trying to fit in a world that doesn’t seem to have room for us, we like a square peg in a round hole.

But despite it all, we will continue to fight, to push against the tide, knowing that somewhere beyond the horizon, there lies a life worth living. A life where we can live without feeling the burden of the world on our shoulders. At that moment, we will experience genuine liberation, peace, and happiness. For in the end, it is not the struggles we face that define us, but how we rise above them. And we choose to rise.

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